The Local Initiatives Support Corporation ("LISC"), Verizon Small Business Grant, 2023.
Description: RomoGIS Enterprises was awarded the Verizon Small Business Digital Ready Grant by the Local Initiatives Support Corporation to help expand our impact with valuable resources including additional access to online courses, tools, and business coaching.

Geospatial World 50 Rising Stars of 2022
Description: Geospatial World Rising Stars is an initiative to highlight the outstanding accomplishments of individuals under the age of 40, who are proactive and passionate about the value of geospatial technology to the society, environment and the economy. With 150 Rising Stars recognized to date, the list boasts global representations with acute focus on diversity, equity and inclusion.

Comcast RISE GRANT, 2021.
Description: Comcast RISE recognized Frank Romo as an entrepreneur committed to uplifting his local communities in 2021. The award supported RomoGIS with a resource package that included mentorship to advise on how to grow our business, educational resources, and a grant to invest in our growth and sustainability moving forward.
Barbara Hirsch Special Service Award, Urban and Regional Systems Association (URISA), 2020
Description: Presented to members or staff who have made special contributions to URISA. This award was created (in 2004) to honor URISA's former Chief Financial Officer, Barbara Hirsch. Barb made her mark at URISA by being an exceptional professional who would always step forward when a point needed to be made, but never stepped to the front for recognition. It is in the spirit of this dedication that the Board of Directors has created an award for special service to URISA. This award will be given to individuals or committees who have shown a similar consummate level of service to URISA through an ongoing commitment to our success as an organization.